Intelligent Sensors for Your Parking Areas

First, let’s understand why motion sensors are required. Motion sensors to detect and report unwanted movement over a property. They help to identify when someone is moving along your premises without your permission.

Motion sensors are a significant part of your residential or commercial property. They keep lights off when needed and provide attention to a particular area when required. The motion sensors can be active or passive. LED parking lot lights are mostly active sensors found in the outer regions of a commercial property.

Types of sensors

  • Active sensors: They send microwave pulses, which bounce off of objects and reflect the sensors. If the thing is moving, the measurement between it and the sensor will change, which will trip the alarm.
  • Passive sensors: They are primarily used in home security systems. They detect heat emanated from animals or people. They look for objects warmer than the standard background and set off the alarms.

Why should we need motion sensors for parking lots?

First of all, they ensure safety and protection for the residents as well as the visitors. Motions sensors installed on LED pole lights covers a broader area and sets the alarm when there is an intrusion from an unwanted source.

They are also power savers as most of them are automatic and go off automatically when there is no one in the designated area. LED lights significantly reduce the power budget to 60%, which is a significant expenditure when it comes to the business budget.

Bi-level parking lot lights are used in commercial places like car dealerships etc., where you need even lighting after the sunset and remain on till the dawn. Bi-level illumination, motion sensors get utilized and are operation when there are visitors in the parking lot.

 If you consider upgrading to new parking lot lights, then LED lighting should be the first choice to keep in mind. With advancing technology, business owners have more control over outdoor lighting and keep a tab on energy consumption. 

These sensors are also helpful in large storages or warehouses where dynamic lighting is required. Motions sensors bring energy savings and keep poorly lit parking lots safe from unwanted accidents. So stop wasting money and switch to LED lights to save on your energy costs.

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